Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I forgot to mention that I finally did what needed to be done for the past 8 yrs. On 10.10.10, we chose to finally Bless all of our kids. MaKaylie was blessed in Sacrament by my dad, her grandpa James Perry. Austin was blessed by our Grandpa Del Johansen, Mathew was blessed by my father, his grandpa Ken Johansen and Jaxon was blessed by our nephew Andy Grass. Andy is like a brother to Eric.

It was a beautiful and somewhat chilly day. After the blessings, we went to a park and had a luncheon with our wonderful family. We had lots of support there. including my family, there were 56 people all family except 6 were my ward friend and Visiting teacher Anita and her cute little family.

My family picture on here is from that day taken by my mother.

Thanks to all who were able to join us on this special day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MaKaylie is the SPITS UP QUEEN

MaKaylie spits up just about every bottle we feed her for the past 4 mo and even the breastmilk too. Then this last week, we've been trying new formula and she would only keep it down when I fed her and we figured out why.... I stopped burping her and I keep her at the level she ate at for a while after her feedings and she doesn't spit up much, if at all. I'm happy to have finally found a solution. I will  have to share this information with my 3 babysitters and anyone that wants to feed her. Maybe now she will start gaining some weight. She's still really tiny. She has her 4 mo check up next week so I will do my best to update again then.

I'm horrible at blogging. I always forget. Sorry!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MaKaylie Nicole is 2 months old.

On Sunday Sept 12, I went to my friend Emillee's house for lil M's photo shoot and here is a link to view her pictures. Shes such a pretty girl.

Sweet Princess M

Poor little girl got her 2 month shots today and she screamed for a couple min then she has been pretty good for the last couple of hours and then all the sudden if you bumped, moved or any sort of touching on her legs, she whimpers. Its soo sad.

Now that she has gotten her shots, we can now take her to get her ears pierced which yes, will be happening soon, very soon. Hopefully Grandma Perry will take her hint, hint ;) ;) Grandma ha ha

MaKaylie is such a good lil girl.

Well, I returned back to work last Tuesday and it was a hard thing to do. I didn't want to leave. I had to keep telling myself, I;m part time now and it's only for 4.5 hours of being on the phones, ill survive right,? well, I am surviving... barely... lol.  I miss being home during the days and working nights really bad. I wish I could go back to nights cause I would in a heartbeat, well kinda. I'm torn, I love being home @ 3:30pm when my 2 oldest get home from school and being home the rest of the night as a family. It was definitely easier when I worked nights, I didn't have to find daytime babysitters as Eric was home @ nights and now I do. As of right now, my sister Jeanie watches MaKaylie and Jaxon on Mondays and Wednesdays and my Sister in Law Amy watches them Tues, Thurs and Fri and right now my schedule is 10:15 am - 2:45 pm. Anyway, Ill stop complaining.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My most favorite picture of MaKaylie so far. She was 1 day old and I just got done nursing her and I looked down and she was all folded up like that... looks so uncomfortable but she was out like a light.. SOOOO cute!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

MaKaylie Nicole Schultz

I have been a slacker and well, lets just say MaKaylie is here. She was born July 15, 2010 @ 8:01 am. She was 7lbs 11oz and was 20" long. So here's the story of her planned arrival. We, OK I, decided about 1 month before her due date that, since I know my body so well and that I do not progress, dilate, efface, etc on my own, that I would ask for a C Section on 7/15, which is exactly 39 weeks gest. The doctor said 7/15 is perfect. I continued to have my weekly non stress tests (NST) and weekly AFI's (Amnio Fluid Index/Intake) as I had excess fluid til the end. A typical woman should have 20 cm of fluid and I would vary between 22-29cm of fluid on a weekly basis also. I went from 22-29 in 1 week.  Anyway, baby was always measuring good and so 7/13, I had my last OB apt, which included the NST and AFI, and he says see ya @ 7:15 am on Thursday.

So on 7/14, I finished her bedroom, took the boys to my mothers and then went to dinner @ Chili's for my last dinner for the next 30+ hours. I had a Fajita Pita with the yummiest Dr Pepper and followed by a Chocolate Molten Cake ,mmmmm so delish.

We went home and I packed my hospital bag, stuff I would want/need for MaKaylie and then I called the Hosp to find out what time I needed to be there and they said 5:30 Am (OH MY). Well it was 7 min to midnight @ this point so I ran and got my last cup of crushed ice and chomped as much of it as I could in 7 min, soaked in the hot bath for a bit, and got to bed I think a little after 1 am woke up @ 5 am, brushed hair, teeth and left (what was the point of changing if I was just going to be in a gown for days ha ha).  We got to the hospital and once we entered the double doors back on the L&D floor, there stood our very good friend Vicki Gonzalez, who is also a labor and delivery nurse. She was there only for me to be there for me and with me for my C section. She prepped me and was kinda nervous so she had another nurse draw my blood lol. She stayed the entire time for my surgery, was my supporter when I got the spinal as the husband is not in the room when the mother receives the spinal. The husband is not allowed in, til I'm laying on the table and completely ready to be cut open. Vicki left shortly after my surgery but came back for her regular shift that evening and was my nurse again yay... I love Vicki. She is the BEST!!!!

Anyway, I decided that since MaKaylie was our last baby, I would invite my Mom and sisters Jeanie and Amanda to watch from the viewing window they watched it all and Jeanie took lots of pictures and attempted to record the surgery but forgot to hit the record button she thought she was recording tho lol. Anyway, sorry if I ramble.

Anyway, Dr finally got there about 30 min late cause his nurses didn't tell him he had a surgery that morn... hes a busy Dr with LOTS of patients. He came in, shortly after Eric followed and the viewing window curtain was opened. Once I was open, they discovered that she was breech and as high as she could be.. right up into my ribs so they were pulling and tugging to get her out and she came out with the cutest little cry and I kept saying, is it a girl, is it a girl lol... and then they showed her to me and she was sooo pretty and just kept sticking her tongue out and smacking her lips like she wanted to eat but I couldn't feed her yet. It was sooo cute. Her daddy then wheeled her to the nursery with her 3 BIG brothers, grandma and aunts and maybe Uncle Scott following while momma got stitched up. (P.s. Dr also gave me a whole new incision about an inch or less above my previous incision that is almost invisible). Once back in the room, they brought MaKaylie to me and I finally got to hold my baby GIRL... and then everyone else including her brothers got to hold her and all she did was SLEEP for like the next 48 hours with 2 awaking's to eat..

I spent the next 3 full days in Orem Community Hospital with lots of visitors Thurs and Fri and they kinda died down on visitors on Sat and sun then we left Monday morning. On Saturday night, my lil sis Amanda went into labor and I was lucky enough to be able to watch it from a side view via SKYPE I was soo happy to semi be involved since i was still in the hospital.

On Sunday, this wonderful photographer whom I happened to go to school with, took these AMAZING photos of MaKaylie.. SOO cute. However the cost for me to own the pictures is oh, about $135 and being on leave, that $ isn't there and Im really sad about it as they are soooo cute and I only have about 1 more month to buy them. ='( ='( :'(.

MaKaylie had her 2 wk apt on July 29 and she was 7lbs 6 oz and 20.5" long. Dr thought she was also going to have thrush as she had a white coating on her tongue and prescribed her some medicine for that. which we gave but the white never went away. Because of her little weight gain in 2 weeks, he requested that we come back in a week for a weight check and @ exactly 3 wks of life, she was 7lbs, 11 oz so all was good and we left.

When she was 4 weeks, she had a really bad spell of choking, struggling to breathe and spitting up a lot so we took her in to the Dr where he prescribed Zantac for Acid Reflux..I had a feeling about this since the day she was born as she gagged alot while in the hospital. She weighed 8 lbs 2 oz @ this apt.

MaKaylie is now 5 weeks old and she is still small but has already rolled over 2x and holds her head up for a good amount of time and sleeps for about 6 hrs straight through the night, loves, loves, loves to be held. She will let you know if she wants to be held, fed or changed as she has some good lungs that usually come out when we are driving.

And that's the story of MaKaylie Nicole Schultz :) :D =)

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Blog Background

I am absolutely clueless when it comes to making my blog look awesome so my bestest sister in the world, Jeanie, helped me make my blog look good. She's the best. I couldn't survive without her. She's always helping me out and watches my kids for me so I can work and not have to put them in daycare. I love that about her. I also love how sweet she is to everyone and that no matter what, you know she'll be your friend. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. Thank you Jeanie!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another update..

Hello all.. look at me, Im getting better at this blogging thing... ha ha I actually forget about it most of the time. 

Anyway, here is my update.. I had an ultrasound at 32 wks and 6 days so June 1 and the ultrasound showed that baby is still doing good and growing like she should be. She still wouldnt uncross her legs to completely prove 100% GIRL but the tech is 90% sure she is as there is nothing protruding between the legs. Anyway, we also found out that I have too much fluid.. who ever gets too much..oh, thats right... me! They say women should have say 20 oz of fluid and I have 27 oz of fluid which puts me in high risk for pre term labor. I now have to get weekly Non Stress Tests (NST) to make sure baby is doing ok. Which, so far she is. My first and 2nd NST is @ the hospital Orem Community and then the 3rd test will be at my dr office along with an AFI (Amniotic Fluid Intake) i.e... another ultrasound :) 

My dr also decided that if I go into labor on my own, then he will allow me to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after C section) which i am soo excited for! I havent had a vaginal (Full term) birth since Austin and i just really want to experience it again. I am also going to try and go as long as i can without the epidural if i do go on my own maybe i can do natural... heres hoping. Heck, i delivered Caden with no epidural and i have back labor so maybe it wont be too extreme and i can handle it and not only have a vbac but a natural birth too :) so ya'll keep your fingers crossed for me, i havent had too much encouragement my friends keep saying im crazy and i wont make it.. i wanna prove em all wrong as long as baby and i wont be in danger. 

Anyway, I am now 33 weeks and 4 days and so cant wait to meet our new baby girl! 

My boys have all had their birthdays so today is Austins he turned 8, Mathew was last month he turned 6 and then Jaxon and Eric were in March.. Jax is now 4 and Eric is 30 so just me and baby left for birthdays. 

Another change with us is that I am no longer on the email team working nights.. I am back to the phones and i work from 11 am - 630 pm.. i am really not a fan of being on the phones.. I miss my email friends. They had to cut 10 ppl off of email and so they cut the 10 lowest (scores wise) and I was in the top 3 of the bottom 10.. sux to be that close .. o well maybe ill be able to go back another time. 

Ok im done updating now.. ta ta 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just an update.. or a Life story ha ha

I am not so good at blogging... I'm more of a FaceBooker .. I'm on FB daily. Ill try and get better at this blogging thing...

So I noticed that I have not updated since I first found out I was pregnant. Well, I'm still pregnant and we found out on March 1 that this baby is a GIRL we are very excited. I'm more excited to know that I finally get the girl Ive always wanted and that I feel my family is complete and this will be my last pregnancy. Ive decided that pregnancy after a loss is not the same as before cause all you do is W O R R Y! I am finally to the point where I do not worry so much about MaKaylie  as she is pretty active now and moves around plenty for me. If she isn't very active, I do have a fetal heart Doppler that I can use anytime i start to worry and if i cant find her heartbeat, i can surely hear her moving around.   The bleeding I had surrounding the uterus had resolved by the time i was 20 weeks so i was pretty happy about that.

We decided we would name her MaKaylie Nicole and she will be here in about 11 weeks. I am due July 22 but I get to choose her delivery date, up to a week early via C Section, so I'm holding out for July 15.

My little sister Amanda is due 1 week before me and she is having a boy and naming him Braeden Scott Frantz. I also have a couple good/close friends that are pregnant and one of them is due 1 week after me. Her name is also Amanda and she is having a girl too.. I figured on Facebook that I have almost 15 friends that are pregnant and due this year alone. So its a busy year for babies.

We also decided that since we live in a 3 bdrm house and the 2 younger boys are sharing a room that we would ask Austin if he would like to share a room with his brothers or share a room with the baby for the time being and he jumping for joy said he wanted to share his room with his baby sister (until she was old enough to where they can no longer be in the same room as they are opposite gender). Anyone know what age this is? 

Tentatively, my sister Jeanie and whoever is helping her will be planning a double shower for both me and my little sister Amanda. The date is June 26th. I do not know a time or a location yet. I think it will be lots of fun though.  Since it is Amanda's first baby we let her choose whether she wanted a dbl or not and at first she didn't then she changed her mind and i asked and asked are you sure cause if you want your own its OK i completely understand wanting your own. She continues to say she really wants one with me so that makes me happy.

Besides all the pregnancy stuff I realize i need to comment on my 3 boys and my husband so ..
Austin is almost 8 and is in 2nd grade and hopefully doing well (we've never received a report card for him.. maybe i should call the school on this..). He is a good kid and helps with his brothers and even helps his dad with unloading the dishwasher. Don't get me wrong, he does have his moments when his drama king attitude comes out but for the most part hes really good.

Mathew will be 6 the day after Mother's Day and I cant believe my tiny little baby is getting so big now.. he is in Kindergarten and has come a long way since the first day of school.. We were a little worried about his reading at his first parent teacher conference but by his second p t c the teacher was very impressed with his improvement and so are we.  I like to call Mathew the "little mother" cause when I'm super tired and having to nap, he goes into Mother mode and takes care of himself and his little brother Jaxon. Mathew is also a really good kid and he too has his moments.

Jaxon turned 4 in March and he has been potty trained for some time now and rarely has an accident. He is moms little buddy when the other 2 are in school and he either comes and lays on the bed with me or plays on the bed with my hand, he likes to jump on it and  idk why but he does. He minds pretty good. He is a really funny kid too. He can count to 11 and knows all his colors so that'll help when he starts Kindergarten in 2011.

Eric is teaching elementary school, 5th grade. This is his first year as a full time paid teacher but 2 yr as a 5th grade teacher. Last year he was the teacher but only received half pay because he was an intern. Him being full time paid teacher has helped us a lot. We were able to move and our rent increased by a little over $600 we also bought a brand new van .. A 2010 VW Routan. We like it a lot and it has bumper to bumper and free scheduled maintenance until we get to 36,000 miles which is coming faster than we want it to.. we bought it in August with 78 miles and it now has 16,000 on it. Eric is also the JV softball coach for Timpanogos High School and he enjoys coaching and our boys enjoy going to the games with dad since mom has to work. Eric is supposed to be done with college in June.

I am still working at the same place Ive been for almost 7 years now. I work afternoon/evenings.. so I'm at work anywhere from 2 pm and not scheduled off until 11:30 pm M-F.  it will be nice to take 12 weeks off when the baby is born. Now if only i could stay home for good.. unfortunately that is not an option with the rent and the van.

Hmm, I am not sure what more to write about so I guess that means I'm done writing... I also wonder if any one even reads my blogs.. Cause if no one does .. well then, why am I wasting the time writing it? So if you read this, leave me a comment so I know I'm not wasting my time Thanks a bunch.

The Schultz Clan... :)

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