Monday, February 21, 2011

SAHM!!! :)

On January 23, 2011 Eric said I could quit my job of 7 years and 8 months and attempt to be a Stay at home mom. We will see how long we can survive without my income. We got our tax refund the following Friday without this, me quitting would not have been an option.  The first week I was home, I did like 7 loads of laundry, quite possibly, maybe more loads than that. I cleaned, I cooked and then relaxed over the weekend the next week, I cleaned the middle level on Monday and then I was in bed all day Tuesday (I was pretty sick :( and then last week I decided to trade chores with Eric. Our entire marriage, Eric has done the dishes and I was supposed to be doing the laundry I slacked often with this chore. More often than not, Eric was folding and putting the clothes away. So I told him I want a change.. I HATE Laundry and I HATE dishes but now I'm sitting here thinking.. what in the world was I thinking.. dishes are soo much faster and I can keep up with them and it isnt a 4 part process.. just 2, load and unload. So I'm keeping this chore :)

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