Sooo, since my sister and I went to Tim McGraw back in July and Lady A opened for him, and we were stuck in HORRIBLE Concert traffic and we missed Lady A entirely, Jeanie and I discussed right after that her and I would go to Lady A if they ever came back to SLC again. Well, it just so happened that Lady A and David Nail were coming to SLC on 11/2/2010 @ the Rail Event Center (all standing) so Jeanie and I bought our tickets and I couldn't wait to go to this concert. I took the day off work and Jeanie picked me up and we grabbed some dinner @ some fast food place by the Rail center and we ate on the way. We parked and walked in and was pretty close to the front of the stage (not super close but at a decent spot). Anyway, we met a couple people and we chatted until the concert started. It also turned out that a group of the Johansen's were coming too... Ken, Jan, Kathy, Kandyce, Shanna and a friend Dana. Unfortunately, they took too long to get there so we werent together but we met up with my father and Jan on our way out. Anyway, here are a couple pictures from the concert. They're not the greatest as they were taken with my Blackberry phone.

Jeanie before the concert being funny.
Making funny faces.
David Nail opened for them. He's not too bad of a singer. not Awesome but not bad.
Lady A's Pink Piano!! :)
Lady A
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