Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MaKaylie is the SPITS UP QUEEN

MaKaylie spits up just about every bottle we feed her for the past 4 mo and even the breastmilk too. Then this last week, we've been trying new formula and she would only keep it down when I fed her and we figured out why.... I stopped burping her and I keep her at the level she ate at for a while after her feedings and she doesn't spit up much, if at all. I'm happy to have finally found a solution. I will  have to share this information with my 3 babysitters and anyone that wants to feed her. Maybe now she will start gaining some weight. She's still really tiny. She has her 4 mo check up next week so I will do my best to update again then.

I'm horrible at blogging. I always forget. Sorry!!

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Good to know!! Glad you figured out what was causing it. See you tomorrow!

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