Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I forgot to mention that I finally did what needed to be done for the past 8 yrs. On 10.10.10, we chose to finally Bless all of our kids. MaKaylie was blessed in Sacrament by my dad, her grandpa James Perry. Austin was blessed by our Grandpa Del Johansen, Mathew was blessed by my father, his grandpa Ken Johansen and Jaxon was blessed by our nephew Andy Grass. Andy is like a brother to Eric.

It was a beautiful and somewhat chilly day. After the blessings, we went to a park and had a luncheon with our wonderful family. We had lots of support there. including my family, there were 56 people all family except 6 were my ward friend and Visiting teacher Anita and her cute little family.

My family picture on here is from that day taken by my mother.

Thanks to all who were able to join us on this special day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MaKaylie is the SPITS UP QUEEN

MaKaylie spits up just about every bottle we feed her for the past 4 mo and even the breastmilk too. Then this last week, we've been trying new formula and she would only keep it down when I fed her and we figured out why.... I stopped burping her and I keep her at the level she ate at for a while after her feedings and she doesn't spit up much, if at all. I'm happy to have finally found a solution. I will  have to share this information with my 3 babysitters and anyone that wants to feed her. Maybe now she will start gaining some weight. She's still really tiny. She has her 4 mo check up next week so I will do my best to update again then.

I'm horrible at blogging. I always forget. Sorry!!

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